De novo sequencing is a method for generating an organism's genome sequence when there is no reference sequence available.  The whole genome de novo sequencing is a major undertaking that can take years to complete. The invention of long-read sequencing has made this process easier and more accurate, yet more expensive.  

The TELL-Seq™ Library Prep Kit can effectively turn a conventional short-read NGS platform, such as an Illumina sequencer, into an accurate “long-read” sequencer. TELL-Seq™ linked reads can improve de novo genome assembly, especially in regions where short reads do not perform well. Our linked reads can be used to resolve repeat regions, as well as structural variation and translocations.  Compared with long-read sequencing, TELL-Seq™ is simpler and more cost effective, requiring hundreds or even thousands of times less DNA input than long-read competitors. This makes TELL-Seq™ the only available long-read like solution for samples where available DNA is scarce or precious. Alternatively, TELL-Seq™ can be used as a scaffolding method for traditional long-read assembly to acquire more accurate de novo reference genomes than using long reads alone.

User Guides

TELL-Seq™ WGS Library Prep User Guide for Phasing and De Novo Assembly