Welcome to Universal Sequencing Technology
130007-USG (EN) TELL-Seq Metagenomic Library Prep User Guide_v1.0 PNs: 100035-100038
100005-USG TELL-Seq™ WGS Library Prep User Guide for Phasing and De Novo Assembly PNs: 100035-100038
PNs: 100035-100038
100032-USG TELL-Seq Target Enrichment User Guide_v4.0 PNs: 100035-100038
130001-USG TELL-Seq Microbial and Other Small Genomes WGS Library Prep User Guide, V3.0 PNs: 100045-100048
TELL-Seq™ Demonstrated Protocol: A Salting Out Method for High-Molecular-Weight DNA Extraction from Cultured Cells
[VIDEO] HMW DNA extraction step-by-step guide for Large Genome before TELL-Seq™ library preparation (16:35)
100018-USG TELL-Seq Library Sequencing User Guide_v7.0