TELL-Seq™ Data Analysis Pipelines Overview
DNA sequencing data generated by TELL-Seq™ WGS Library Prep Kit is processed by the TELL-Read pipeline to produce linked read data in FASTQ format. The linked-read FASTQ files are the input files for the Microbial Isolate Pipeline, the Metagenomics Pipeline, the TELL-Link Assembly Pipeline, and the TELL-Sort Phasing Pipeline. TELL-Seq™ data can also be analyzed using existing third party assemblers or other linked-read open-source pipelines and packages.
TELL-Seq™ Software Packages
Microbial Isolate Pipeline
Learn more about microbial isolate de novo sequencingMicrobial Isolate Pipeline is an end-to-end solution for linked read analysis of a single or a batch of microbial isolates. It incorporates standard methods for microbial genome assembly and evaluation, as well as tools for comparing genome statistics before and after applying TELL-Seq™ linked read barcodes.
Metagenomics Pipeline
Learn more about metagenome assembly and microbiome analysisMetagenomics Pipeline is an end-to-end solution for two major metagenomics analysis objectives: (1) initial taxonomic classification and relative abundance estimation; and (2) metagenomic genome binning, assembly, evaluation and characterization.
General TELL-Seq™ Data Analysis Pipeline
The general data analysis pipeline includes the following three software packages:
TELL-Read takes as input the sequencing output from an NGS sequencing instrument and generates linked-read FASTQ data, as well as QC reports.TELL-Sort takes as input the linked-read data from TELL-Read and performs variant calling and phasing.
TELL-Link takes as input the linked-read data from TELL-Read and performs de novo assembly to build barcode-aware assembly graph, assemble contigs, and perform scaffolding.
General Software Tools
IGV: Integrative Genomics Viewer
Illumina Sequencing System
no longer supported
TELL-Seq™ Apps on Illumina BaseSpace Sequence Hub
TELL- Seq™ BaseSpace Applications User Guide
TELL-Seq™ BaseSpace Phasing Application User Guide
TELL-Seq™ BaseSpace Upload Guidelines
AmpliDrop™ Software Packages
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Early access available through AmpliDrop™ Single Cell 3’ RNA-seq Service