Microorganisms, such as bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, and protists are all around us. They have a profound impact on human life and the environment.   It is estimated that there are over a trillion microbial species on Earth and 99.999% of them have yet to be discovered. There are countless reasons to identify these organisms, sequence their genomes and characterize their genes and functions.   

It is challenging, if not impossible, to assemble de novo microbial genomes accurately and completely with short-read NGS platforms alone.  UST TELL-Seq™ Linked Read Library Prep is a novel approach that allows an Illumina platform (or other short-read sequencing platform) to generate linked-reads capable of producing de novo assemblies of microbial genomes without a long-read sequencer.  The TELL-Seq™ Library Prep is simple, fast, and economical, and requires ultra-low DNA input, making TELL-Seq™ an ideal solution for microbial isolate studies.  TELL-Seq™ demonstrates exceptional performance for microbial WGS, even for challenging samples or regions with high GC content.

App Note: Microbial de novo assembly with linked-read technology (in partnership with Illumina)

User Guides

TELL-Seq™ Microbial and Other Small Genomes WGS Library Prep User Guide