On-Demand Webinars
See below, our latest webinars. To see more video content from UST, like tutorials and guides, visit our YouTube channel
A Short Story Long: Using Linked Long-Read Sequencing in Clinical Laboratories
Dr. Victor Martinez
In this presentation, we will explore the potential of linked reads in clinical environments. We'll begin by introducing the concept of long-read sequencing and its advantages over traditional short-read sequencing methods, particularly in resolving complex genomic regions. Next, we'll dive into TELL-Seq technology, which combines the benefits of long reads with the high accuracy of short reads. We'll walk through the TELL-Seq workflow, from DNA extraction to the bioinformatic analysis of the data.
Using Linked-read Sequencing with Museums Collections for Studying Chromosome Evolution and Conservation Genomics in Birds
Taylor Hains
PhD Candidate | University of Chicago & The Field Museum
TELL-Seq users experience sharing Linked-read Sequencing with museum's collections for studying Chromosome Evolution and Conservation Genomics in birds.
Library Preparation and Genome Assembly Using Transposase Enzyme-Linked Long-Read Sequencing
Dr. Alvaro Hernandez
Director | DNA Services at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Dr. Hernandez discusses how his team sequenced and assembled the genomes of nine insects using Transposase Enzyme-Linked Long-Read Sequencing (TELL-Seq) at different stages of genome assembly. The unique contributions of TELL-Seq libraries to the completeness of the assembly, as well as the DNA extraction, library preparation, and sequencing methods the team employed, will be discussed in detail.
Visualization of Tell Sort data using the Integrative Genome Viewer
Dr. Yu Xia
Staff Bioinformatics Scientist | Universal Sequencing
Visualization of Tell-Sort data using the Integrative Genome Viewer (IGV) enhances the interpretation of phasing results generated with the TELL-Seq Library Prep kit developed by UST. Dr. Yu will describe how to find and run a script that converts Tell-Sort outputs into IGV-compatible files that conveniently display phasing data, and more.