On-Demand Webinars

See below, our latest webinars. To see more video content from UST, like tutorials and guides, visit our YouTube channel

  • A Short Story Long: Using Linked Long-Read Sequencing in Clinical Laboratories

    Dr. Victor Martinez


    In this presentation, we will explore the potential of linked reads in clinical environments. We'll begin by introducing the concept of long-read sequencing and its advantages over traditional short-read sequencing methods, particularly in resolving complex genomic regions. Next, we'll dive into TELL-Seq technology, which combines the benefits of long reads with the high accuracy of short reads. We'll walk through the TELL-Seq workflow, from DNA extraction to the bioinformatic analysis of the data.

  • Using Linked-read Sequencing with Museums Collections for Studying Chromosome Evolution and Conservation Genomics in Birds

    Taylor Hains

    PhD Candidate | University of Chicago & The Field Museum


    TELL-Seq users experience sharing Linked-read Sequencing with museum's collections for studying Chromosome Evolution and Conservation Genomics in birds.

  • Library Preparation and Genome Assembly Using Transposase Enzyme-Linked Long-Read Sequencing

    Dr. Alvaro Hernandez

    Director | DNA Services at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign


    Dr. Hernandez discusses how his team sequenced and assembled the genomes of nine insects using Transposase Enzyme-Linked Long-Read Sequencing (TELL-Seq) at different stages of genome assembly. The unique contributions of TELL-Seq libraries to the completeness of the assembly, as well as the DNA extraction, library preparation, and sequencing methods the team employed, will be discussed in detail.

  • Visualization of Tell Sort data using the Integrative Genome Viewer

    Dr. Yu Xia

    Staff Bioinformatics Scientist | Universal Sequencing


    Visualization of Tell-Sort data using the Integrative Genome Viewer (IGV) enhances the interpretation of phasing results generated with the TELL-Seq Library Prep kit developed by UST. Dr. Yu will describe how to find and run a script that converts Tell-Sort outputs into IGV-compatible files that conveniently display phasing data, and more.