Advances in NGS technologies have enabled comprehensive human whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Traditional WGS generates a single consensus sequence without distinguishing between variants on homologous chromosomes. Phased sequencing, or genome phasing, provides haplotype information about a given genome, distinguishing between alleles on maternal and paternal chromosomes. By identifying haplotype information, phased sequencing can inform studies of complex traits, measure allele-specific expression, identify variant linkages, and more, providing valuable information for genetic disease studies.   

Historically, acquiring genomic phasing information has been a challenging and costly process. UST’s TELL-Seq™ linked read technology enables a short-read NGS platform to generate highly accurate phased sequencing data with much reduced cost and turnaround time as well as ultra-low DNA input requirement. TELL-Seq™ library preparation demonstrates the exceptional performance with Illumina NGS platforms for generating ultra-long phasing blocks. TELL-Seq™ is the ideal solution for your human genome phasing project.   

App Note: Ultra-Long Range Phasing with Linked-Read Sequencing (in partnership with Illlumina)

User Guides

TELL-Seq™ WGS Library Prep User Guide for Phasing and De Novo Assembly